3 Steps to Heal and Build Your Dream Life with Inner Bloom 

What's Inner Bloom?


So many women are obsessed with their physical appearance but we are obsessed with helping women to HEAL from within because HEALING is the SECRET to MANIFESTING all that you desire to Be, Do & Have.  

When you HEAL you release the emotional, mental, and energetic blocks that hinder your ability to attract what you desire. Healing transforms your inner world, which in turn transforms our outer reality.

We embrace a holistic approach to well-being, focusing on every aspect of you—not just one. Why? Because nurturing your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-being, can help you achieve deep transformation and unlock your true potential. 

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to healing. What works for one person might not work for another. That's why we offer a unique approach bringing together 70+ Female Coaches & Healers from all around the world to support & educate women with psychology, nervous system regulation, shadow work, emotional healing, manifestation, self concept work, energy healing, and spiritual guidance, to provide a personalized path to transformation so women can Bloom into their healthiest, wealthiest, happiest, and most loving selves.


Are you ready to unlock the best version of you & your dream life?

If you said YES, you are in the right place!

Can you imagine..

Getting paid to grow and evolve into the best version of yourself & earning an income that aligns with your passions and values?

Working anytime, anywhere, giving you the flexibility to spend more time with those you love? 

Building stronger, more fulfilling relationships?

Gaining lifetime access to valuable resources with just a one-time investment?

Experiencing personal transformation on your own terms?

Joining a global revolution that empowers and uplifts women around the world?

Creating lasting change in your life and the lives of others?

DO YOU WANT THE GOOD NEWS? You don't have to imagine anymore because Inner Bloom is an opportunity where all of this is possible. 


Ikigai is a profound Japanese concept that means "a reason for being." It’s about finding that perfect balance where your passions and talents meet the needs of the world, and you’re able to earn a living from it. 

Inner Bloom is dedicated to helping women discover and embrace their own Ikigai. 

We guide women on a journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery, empowering them to become the best version of themselves. 

We support women with earning an income by working smarter not harder and doing more of what they love & what they are gifted at.

We help women create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment, making a meaningful impact while building their financial independence.


Inner Bloom is a ready-made business with a thriving community of 4,500 women who are Blossoming into their best selves and have collectively achieved $500k in sales.

How Does It Work:

JOIN: When you join Inner Bloom as an Ambassador, you’ll gain lifetime access to the entire Inner Bloom Academy, which includes 70+ coaches and over 100 hours of tools and resources to support your well-being, relationships, and personal and business growth.

LEARN & GROW: Inner Bloom is a self help, self paced platform. Designed for you to take what you need & leave the rest. Acknowledging that each day is unique, where one day you may feel invincible and the next you may stumble, the tools and resources within the Academy offer a holistic approach to support you wherever you are on your journey & however you feel.

EARN AN INCOME: We empower women to share their personal journeys and transformations, serving as an inspiration and guiding light for others. Inner Bloom includes Master Resell Rights, which grants you a license to sell access to the Academy—the same thing you’ve invested in—and keep 100% of the profits.

INCOME & IMPACT: Everything you need for success is provided, making this a complete, ready-to-go business. Your role is simply to share your story and introduce Inner Bloom to your network. With Inner Bloom you get to earn an income, invest in your personal growth, and create impact by helping other women do the same.


"Healed women will heal this world because when we heal, the world heals."

Why Become An Inner Bloom Ambassador?

Discover Your True Self: Inner Bloom is a safe haven for women to feel SEEN, HEARD & UNDERSTOOD. It’s a space where you'll uncover your deepest truths and Bloom into your most authentic self.

Sell a Product that will change lives: Our mission is to empower 1 million women to transform their lives from the inside out, helping them feel and be their best. By joining Inner Bloom, you’re not just part of a community—you’re part of a movement that challenges societal norms, advocating for women to value their inner well-being as much as their outward appearance.

Ready-Made Business: We provide everything you need to start and manage your business, including marketing materials and sales strategies, saving you time, money and energy.

Monetize Social Media: Use your social media to promote a done for you product that empowers women to break free from their limitations, discover their true potential, and achieve their dreams. Earning purposeful income, feels different.

Grow your network & your net worth: With its wide variety of content, Inner Bloom has broad appeal, allowing you to reach a larger audience and expand your network. It’s part of an ever-growing industry that will continue to thrive and expand exponentially.

3 Reasons Why Inner Bloom is Your Fast Track to a Profitable Business

Learn & Grow with us

Become an Ambassador today and not only do you get to earn from a done for you business, you also get:

Access to 70+ Coaches & Healers & 100+ hours of life changing content (valued circa $5k.) 

Access to Live Monthly Community Calls & Workshops & our Monthly Women's Circle.

A Soul Tribe of like minded women from diverse backgrounds.

Access to 15+ chat forums so you can chat to women all around the world.

Access to 30 Done For You PLR Products that you can use to learn from & earn 100% profit from.

Access to an App so you can learn & chat anytime, anywhere & on the go.

The Bonus: Lifetime access for only one small fee, no additional upsells.

Earn with us

Buy once & sell it forever

Sell it once & you make your money back

Sell 10 & make $2,222

Sell 100 & make $22,200

Sell 1,000 & make $222,000

Earn 50% commission on our $97 MEMBERS ONLY offer

Earn 100% commission on the 30 Done For You PLR Ebooks we have in our Digital Product Content Vault

Earn an income by Blooming into the best version of you & doing more of what you love

Help change the world 1 woman at a time


"Healed People, Heal People"

What we have learned

As a collective of coaches and healers, we've invested hundreds of thousands of $s in our own personal growth. Our expertise is rooted in our own transformation, and we're dedicated to guiding you towards yours. Here is a summary of what we have learned:

There is no one size fits all when it comes to healing & self development, which is why we offer perspectives from 70+ Coaches & Healers.

What works one day might not work the next, which is why we have over 100+ hours of tools and resources. 

Healing isn't linear, which is why we offer lifetime access.

You have to walk your own path but you don't have to walk it alone, which is why we have built a community.

Traditional therapy often overlooks the deeper energetic imprints that shape your reality. We go beyond the mind, delving into the emotional and spiritual realms for profound & lasting transformation.

Reality is an INTERNAL game which is why we have created an entire Academy devoted to doing the inner work.

You don't have to spend thousands of $s to heal or tap into your potential, it's why we created Inner Bloom.


"The world is changed by our example not by our opinion."

From the Creator

I wish I had Inner Bloom at the start of my journey. It would have saved me countless hours, money, and confusion. But perhaps it was meant to be. The desire for something missing often fuels creation. 

Inner Bloom is a sanctuary for healing, growth, and transformation. It's an Academy that brings together women from all around the world to share their journey, wisdom & gifts because once we have helped ourselves, it's our duty to help others. 

It was created with unity at its core because every woman’s journey is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to life.  

If Inner Bloom can open your eyes to one thing you couldn’t see before and your ears to something that you couldn't hear before i have fulfilled my purpose. May your journey be filled with love & grace as you Bloom into everything you have the potential to become.  

With love & gratitude

Sammy Shiers


"Inner Bloom is just a thousand times more than I had ever expected or anticipated and the whole vision behind Inner Bloom of helping women worldwide make an Impact & an Income away from the traditional confines of a 9-5, is just the most beautiful & powerful message. The fact that it is for women only really gives us all a safe place to heal & grow & connect with other like minded souls & that in itself is so empowering" MEAGHAN  

"Inner bloom is everything I have ever wanted to offer the women in my network and beyond. Tools to ignite your mind, body and soul… This is the most incredible, empowering and heart centred space and I am in love with it all. LAUREN 


"I absolutely LOVE Inner Bloom it has helped me so much in my business. I never knew about manifesting and it has literally changed my life in the best way possible! I also noticed an improvement in my personal life. Even my hubby noticed it and commented on how much more calm and stable I am. It is great either for business or personal life " SARAH  

"I found Inner Bloom when i desperately needed it. I'm a stage 3 Colon Cancer patient & going through 12 rounds of chemo which not only affects my body, it also affects my mental health. With being sick & not being able to leave home, Inner Bloom has truly given my spirit back." MONICA  

"I love everything Inner Bloom offers! I find it easy to navigate and use. I may not use it everyday but it's right here in the palm of my hand when i need it. It's a wonderful space & community to be part of " PIPPA "When Inner Bloom was introduced to me i felt like it was everything i was manifesting all in one place. It came to me in the exact moment i needed it in my life. I have only scratched the surface of the abundance of content included & love everything it has to offer" CHELSEA 

"Being part of Inner Bloom has opened so many internal doors for me. The teachings & insights that are shared within the community are amazing. I am so proud to be part of this growing platform. Not just for myself but because i also get to share it with other like minded women" ANGELIQUE

Share Your Journey


One persons story alone isn’t enough, we need to stand in our power together, to be heard, to claim our voices & power, to unite as one.



A’s to your Q’s

  • What is Inner Bloom?
    Inner Bloom is a dedicated women-only membership platform aimed at fostering inner transformation. We provide resources, workshops, masterclasses, mini courses and a community space for women to embark on their personal growth journey.
  • Why is this platform women-only?
    Inner Bloom is designed to create a safe, empowering environment where women can connect, share, and grow without reservations. We believe a women-centric platform offers a unique space for addressing specific challenges and aspirations women face.
  • What types of resources can I expect?
    Our platform offers a variety of resources including Masterclasses, Mini Courses, Audios, Meditations & Activations, Workshops, eBooks, Community Chat Forums, and Exclusive Live Workshops.
  • What are the Resell Conditions?
    You can sell access to Inner Bloom and keep 100% of your earnings, but the retail price must not be lower than $222 USD. You are not permitted to offer promotions in the form of free gifts, gift cards, cash, or any other reimbursement methods. Master Resell Rights provide access to the academy, but please note that video content is not downloadable. There are downloadable ebooks for your personal development; however, these cannot be sold as your own. Only ebooks within the Digital Marketing section that specifically state they come with Master Resell Rights may be sold as your own.
  • What platform is the Academy hosted on & is are details safe?
    Absolutely. We value your privacy and have robust data protection measures in place to ensure your information remains confidential. All details are stored within the Mighty Network interface. The community and content is hosted on Mighty Networks.
  • Can i offer a payment plan?
    Yes, the maximum payment plan is for 6 months which mean you can offer Inner Bloom for $37 a month for 6 months. They can start selling away, the first sale should be used to pay the remainder of the amount.
  • How do I cancel my membership?
    When you join you get lifetime access however if you wish to close your membership you can delete your account through your account settings. If you face any issues, our support team is here to help. Due to the nature of the product there are no refunds.
  • Can I contribute as a Coach or host a session on Inner Bloom?
    If you're interested in hosting a session or contributing in any other way, please reach out to our team support@innerbloomsanctuary.com


If not you, then who? If not now, then when?


Billing address

If there are any issues with processing paymet you can use Paypal or email us at support@innerbloomsanctuary.com


You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xInner Bloom Ambassadors$222

All prices in USD